Stanozolol (vinstrol) reviews, dosages, PCT

Stanozolol: introduction

Stanozolol, also known as winstrol, is an anabolic steroid with strong anabolic activity and moderate androgenic properties. This drug belongs to the group of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivatives and is a progesterone antagonist. It is due to these properties that stanozolol is often included in combination courses with nandrolones and trenbolones to reduce possible side effects caused by increased progesterone levels.

It should be noted that stanozolol is a controlled substance banned in sports, as it is considered a doping. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most popular anabolic steroids used not only in bodybuilding, but also in weightlifting, among wrestlers, track and field athletes and boxers.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be used as a direct guide to action

Stanozolol is used in both men and women (in moderate doses), despite the potential for virilism in women. It is important to note that its presence can be detected in doping controls within a year, which should be considered for athletes undergoing this type of testing. The drug is available in the form of injections, tablets and capsules. The cost depends on the manufacturer.

The effects of stanozolol use

If you have purchased winstrol or stanozolol, you should expect the following effects from this steroid:

  • increased muscle definition and density;
  • qualitative muscle mass gain without water retention;
  • decreased levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which in turn increases the effectiveness of combination courses;
  • increased appetite;
  • increased endurance, speed, reaction and strength performance of the athlete.

Stanozolol is also used medically for a variety of problems, including:

  • post-operative periods;
  • complex treatment of burns and certain types of trauma.
  • muscular dystrophy, toxic goiter, loss of bone elasticity and strength;
  • aplastic and hypoplastic anemia.

Regarding the possible negative effects of winstrol, there are many factors to consider. Side effects associated with stanozolol use include:

  • negative effects on the liver and its enzymes;
  • the appearance of pimples (acne);
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • the possibility of joint injuries (especially when stanozolol is used alone);
  • suppression of the production of intrinsic testosterone levels;
  • disruption of menstrual cycle in girls and women;
  • risk of atherosclerosis;
  • increased levels of liver enzymes and lipid profile;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • genetically determined androgenic alopecia in men;
  • negative impact on the prostate, which can manifest itself as pain and shooting pains in the perineal area.

It is important to realize that these potential side effects require serious attention and may vary depending on individual body characteristics.

Consultation with a specialist is recommended before using winstrol

All side effects are related to the use of excessive dosages of the anabolic. Never use stanozolol solo, even if you are a beginner and this is your first course. It is fraught not only with injuries and the above-mentioned side effects, but also with a decrease in testosterone levels to zero already in the second week of the course, which is confirmed by my many years of experience. This fact exacerbates the special importance of avoiding the use of stanozolol in monotherapy.

Stanozolol solo is not a safe or, as it is sometimes called, a “light” steroid. It is a rather strong anabolic that requires strict adherence to the rules of use and dosing.

Stanozolol and Winstrol: dosages

The optimal dosage of Winstrol for men ranges from 30 mg or more, taking into account individual factors such as age, height and weight of the athlete. It is recommended to use it for 6-8 weeks, followed by recovery, transition to PCT or “bridge”. In the case of the injectable form, winstrol, the duration of use is similar to the tablet form, but the dosage is 50 mg (standard 1 ml) every other day or daily for experienced athletes.

Winstrol is also available for women, but the recommended dosage does not exceed 10-15 mg per day, and the course does not exceed four weeks. If the first signs of side effects appear, you should immediately stop using the anabolic.

Water for injection is often used to dilute stanozolol in suspension. Some have previously experimented with the addition of vitamin B12. This approach helps to reduce painful sensations after injections. It is worth noting that stanozolol is one of the few drugs that have a significant effect on the lipid profile. If an increase in LDL (>4.9) and cholesterol (>7) levels is observed, it is recommended to take appropriate measures, up to possible withdrawal of the drug.

What to combine stanozolol with

It is recommended mandatory inclusion of testosterone (propionate, enanthate and other esters) in a complex course with stanozolol or Winstrol. It should not be feared, it is acceptable to use testosterone in a dosage of 200-250 mg once a week. Winstrol is perfectly combined with other anabolics such as boldenone (it is recommended to pay attention to the scheme: testosterone enanthate + boldenone + stanozolol), trenbolone, nandrolone, masteron (for experienced users). I am always ready to help in the preparation of a competent course of steroids, adapted to your goals.

Email me in contacts, and we’ll work out the best steroid plan for you

Be sure to have regular tests during your steroid cycle, as this not only affects the quality of the mass gained, the degree of relief and your overall condition, but also your important health. The list of required tests can be checked with me and it will be customized to the combinations of other steroids included in your course.

There have been cases where clients have been fearful of injections and have used stanozolol with androgel or andriol (testosterone undecanoate in tablets). These are acceptable options and I see them as innovative. For some athletes, especially beginners, this combination may be beneficial. Androgel or andriol can help keep testosterone levels normal, which in turn reduces the risk of side effects from winstrol.

Reviews of winstrol (stanozolol) before and after photos

When stanozolol is used correctly, you can achieve maximum results and retain them in the long term. Excellent successes have been achieved by both men and women, which is confirmed not only on forums, but also through positive feedback from my clients, whose results testify in favor of this drug.

Stanozolol for girls

Stanozolol for women

Stanozolol for the first course

Post-course therapy

It is mandatory to perform post-course therapy (PCT) after completion of a course including stanozolol. The regimen and duration of PCT depends on which drugs were used during the course. It is recommended that the duration of post-course recovery should be at least 30 days, with anti-estrogens as the basis.

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